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Making training affordable

Are you keen to study or undergo training but do not know how you will pay for it? At Central Regional TAFE, we are committed to making training more affordable and accessible for everyone.

Affordable Education & Training

Everyone should have access to quality education and training, and we strive to make training more affordable for our students. Central Regional TAFE can help you find a payment solution that suits your needs so you can focus on your training, rather than your fees. 

Speak with our friendly staff today to see what's possible for you.

Course Fees

Fees are different across our range of training options, depending on the number of hours within each unit of the course. Resources and materials like workbooks, essential uniforms and workshop materials are not included in the course fees, and these will be charged as an additional cost. Other fees that are not included in the course fees may include things like parking, student memberships and security passes.

There is no fee for Vocational Education & Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS).

Concession Card Holders

If you have a valid concession card, you might be eligible for reduced course fees. Currently concession card holders pay 30% of the full course fees (not including incidental, resource or other fees).  

Please note that a concession does not apply for foundation skills courses or Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications.

  • A current Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card.
  • A current Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veteran's Affairs.
  • Persons who are inmates of a custodial institution.
  • A current recipient or a dependent of a recipient of AUSTUDY, ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance; or a
  • Secondary school aged person (in 2023, eligible students will be born on or after 1 July 2005 and must be at least 15 years old).

Course Fee Repayment Options

We offer payment options to help you meet your payment obligations in a manageable way. Choose the payment option that best suits you and your situation.

The payment options we offer include: 

  • Payment Plans (including regular direct debit)
  • VET Student Loans
  • Concessions
  • Direct Debit

Vocational Education & Training (VET) Loans

VET Student Loans is a Commonwealth Government scheme to help eligible VET students pay their course fees. It is available for diploma or advanced diploma courses.

For more information about VET Student Loans, you can check out: 


Are you enrolled or planning to enrol in a course delivered by Central Regional TAFE? Did you know that you may be eligible to apply for a Scholarship to assist with payment of course fees and course related expenses? 

Click here for more information

Contact Details

If you are keen to study or undertake training but are not sure how you will pay for it, do not stress. Get in touch with our friendly student support team to discuss the options available to you. 

1800 672 700