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How can TAFE help your business

Central Regional TAFE offers a number of initiatives and opportunities to help strengthen and grow businesses and local employers. 

Become an Industry Partner

Are you interested in partnering with us to develop and strengthen the current and emerging workforce? Through these partnerships, valuable training and workforce skills are provided to strengthen businesses and organisations for long term success. 

After an initial consultation, we work with our partners to develop a training solution that meets their organisation’s specific needs. We have the capacity to deliver flexible and customisable training and assessment solutions. 

We value our many industry partners across numerous industries and work hard to deliver services which benefit them. For more information about becoming an industry partner with Central Regional TAFE, visit our Industry Partners page or contact us using the details below.

Contact Details
Phone 1800 672 700

Customised Training and Workshop Solutions

Central Regional TAFE offers customised training options to help businesses upskill their workforce. Investing in advancing the skills and knowledge of your workforce helps you to remain competitive and gives your employees the tools they need to feel confident in their role and overall more satisfied. 

We offer a range of training and workshop programs which are completely customisable and flexible to meet the unique needs and goals of your business. We are committed to providing you with quality programs which are relevant to your specific business and industry area. Our approach incorporates state of the art technologies and up to date systems to make training more efficient and enjoyable.

To find out more about how we can deliver customised training to strengthen your business for the long term, please visit our customised training and workshop solutions page. Alternatively, get in touch with us using the details below to speak to someone who can assist. 

Contact Details
Call 1800 672 700

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Taking on an Apprentice or Trainee can be a rewarding experience for employers. You will have control over the specific training they receive which can help you fill needs within your business. Once the apprenticeship or traineeship is completed, you will have the opportunity to employ someone who is already familiar with the ethos and environment of your business. Ensuring your staff is well qualified with nationally recognised qualifications can help you increase business growth and profit. 

At Central Regional TAFE, we offer scheduled training for a wide range of Apprenticeships and Traineeships, including pre-apprenticeship training and school-based traineeships. 

For more information, please visit our Apprenticeships and Traineeships page

Advice and Assistance at Jobs and Skills Centres

At each of the Geraldton, Kalgoorlie and Northam campuses is a TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre which can provide free professional advice and assistance to business owners and employers. This includes the following services: 

  • help with recruiting employees, including apprentices and trainees;
  • opportunity to advertise on our online jobs board or Aboriginal-specific jobs board;
  • advice and resources on Aboriginal recruitment and retention;
  • workforce planning advice and resources; and
  • practical information on training and services to suit enterprise-specific needs.

For more information or to get in touch with your nearest Jobs and Skills Centre, please use the contact details below.

Call 13 64 64 to talk to your nearest Jobs and Skills Centre
For more information visit in a new tab)