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Complaints, Comments and Feedback

Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us.

We value compliments, suggestions and complaints and are committed to addressing issues identified in a transparent and timely manner.

Your feedback is welcomed on the services provided by CR TAFE whether it be positive or negative. These could be in relation to, but not limited to:

  • A positive experience you have had
  • A comment or suggestion on how we can improve our services to you
  • A complaint if you are not satisfied with the service you have received or feel you have not been treated fairly and reasonably.


How do I make a complaint or provide feedback?

You can easily provide us with your complaint, compliment or suggestion using the online feedback form below or call us on 1800 672 700. 

Online Feedback and Complaints Form(opens in a new tab)

You can also print and complete a hard copy feedback form available on the link below. Please attach a scanned copy of the completed feedback form to an email and send to or mail to:

Feedback at Central Regional TAFE
Locked Bag 103, 
Geraldton WA 6531.  

Feedback and Complaints Form  (1 MB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)


Need assistance to provide feedback?

Please reach out to one of our support teams below if you require assistance to provide feedback:

If you have a disability - please speak to our Access and Equity Support Officer located in Student Services (Geraldton Campus) or:

  • Phone: 1800 672 700 – ask for the Equity and Access Inclusion Officer

If you're Aboriginal – please speak to our Aboriginal Services team located in the Aboriginal Learning Centre (Geraldton and Northam Campuses) and at our Kalgoorlie campus or:

  • Phone: 1800 672 700– ask for Aboriginal Services for your campus

If you're under 18 years of age - please speak to our Manager Student Services located in Student Services (Geraldton Campus) or:

  • Phone 1800 672 700 – ask for Manager Student Services

If you're an International Student – please speak to our Coordinator Business Partnerships & International (Geraldton Campus) or:

  • Phone 1800 672 700 – ask for Coordinator Business Partnerships & International


What can you expect when you submit a complaint?

Complaints will be treated as confidential and handled within the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. All investigations and communications will be recorded and documented to provide a clear account of the complaint and our response.

The Policy and Procedure for Complaints and the Policy and Procedure for Feedback provide more information on what happens when you make a complaint. The your rights and responsibilities(opens in a new tab)  page has additional links to related information.

We aim to resolve any feedback within ten business days, and thirty business days for a complaint. Should more time be required you will be notified in writing with a revised response date and kept up to date regularly on the progress of the matter. 

For more information about what happens with your complaint, please refer to our Complaints Policy (180 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab) .


Our commitment to you

Central Regional TAFE want to ensure our commitment to the principles and practices of good services to students and effective complaint handling.


Appealing a complaint decision

If the person who made the complaint feels it has not been resolved by the college and wishes to take the matter further, they may take the complaint to an external agency, eg the Ombudsman Western Australia:

  • Phone: (08) 9220 7555
  • Freecall: 1800 117 000 
  • Email:
  • Postal: PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6831
  • In person: Level 2, Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, PERTH WA 6000

Further information can be obtained by visiting in a new tab) .

For onshore international students who are not satisfied with the outcome of the College’s complaints process, they may lodge a request for a review with TIWA and additional contact details for TIWA will be provided as follows:


Our complaints policy

Our Complaints Policies provide you with additional information on what will happen once you have lodged your complaint. The following policies are in place to support your process: