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Fees and Payment Options

You may be eligible for a range of repayment options, concessions, loans and scholarships to help you cover the cost of your studies with Central Regional TAFE.

We are committed to making training more affordable and accessible for everyone. We offer a variety of payment solutions to help you achieve your study goals. 

If you want to enrol in a course with us, but aren’t sure how you’ll finance your studies, get in touch with our friendly staff to see what’s possible.


When you enrol in a course at Central Regional TAFE, you may be required to pay a number of different fees, including:

Course fees:
Course fees are the sum of fees for all the units you enrol in and may vary depending on the specific course you enrol in.

Resource fees:
Resource fees are charged for any essential materials that your course requires. It covers any materials that the College buys to be consumed or transformed by students, such as workshop materials, workbooks and essential uniforms.

Other fees:
Other fees may be charged for goods and services that are not essential to your course. This includes parking, membership to student organisations and security passes. 

Other costs: 
In addition to the fees listed above, you may need to purchase textbooks, uniforms or other equipment. Your Pre Enrolment package will inform you if this is required.

Would you like to get a qualification in an industry area where job opportunities are growing?

LFLS is a State Government Initiative which offers you the opportunity to study particular courses at half of the standard course fees. From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024, your yearly course fees will be no more than $1,200 or $400 if you’re aged 15-24 or eligible for a concession.

There are 34 specifically selected priority qualifications for which this applies. They have been chosen because they match up with the skills that employers are looking for right now, and they are in industry areas with high jobs growth. Gaining these qualifications can help make you more employable and set you up for a successful career.

To find out which courses apply, please visit the Lower fees, local skills(opens in a new tab)  webpage.

Need more information?
For more information about the Lower Fees Local Skills initiative contact your local Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64.

If you are studying a certificate course, you may be eligible for a concession. Concession students pay 30% of the full course fees (not including incidental, resource or other fees). 

You are entitled to concession rates if you:

  • Hold a current Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card.
  • Hold a current Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veteran's Affairs.
  • Are an inmate of a custodial institution.
  • Are a current recipient or a dependent of a recipient of AUSTUDY, ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance;
  • Are a secondary school-aged person (in 2024, eligible students will be born on or after 1 July 2006 and must be at least 15 years old).

A concession does not apply for foundation skill courses or Diploma and Advanced Diploma Qualifications.

In order to claim the concession, you must provide evidence or proof of your concession before your classes start. The simplest way is to bring the concession proof along when you enrol.

If your concession is valid for only part of your enrolment period, only the eligible units will have the concession rate applied.

The secondary school age student concession applies for individuals who:

  • were born between 1 July 2006 and 31 December 2009 and 
  • are at least 15 years old 
  • are not part of a VET in Schools program

If you are eligible, your tuition fees will be capped at $420.
If you are studying a Diploma or Advanced Diploma course the maximum tuition fee you will pay is $7,860.

There is no fee for Vocational Education & Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS). 

Payment options

You can pay your course fees in full by credit or debit card via our BPOINT facility(opens in a new tab) .

Please note: 
If you enter your Student ID incorrectly or not at all, your enrolment may be delayed.

Part payments must be set up via a payment plan (see the Payment Plans tab for details).

To enter into a payment plan, students pay a 10% deposit towards their course fees and complete a Direct Debit Request Form (221 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab) to pay the remaining amount of their fees. 

The deposit can be paid via our BPOINT facility(opens in a new tab)  (course fees only), over the phone or by attending a Student Business Systems counter at your local campus.

The number of Payment Plan instalments is calculated based on the duration of the study. Payment Plans are to be paid in full by the end of the study period.

Students wishing to pay by instalments enter a legally binding contract with Central Regional TAFE to pay their fees by the agreed dates.

To set up an instalment plan, complete and submit a Direct Debit Request Form (221 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)  or lodge the completed form in person at your local campus. Please ensure the form is signed by the account holder.

Students under 18 must have their request signed by their parent/guardian.

If you do not meet the agreed terms of payment, your payment plan will be cancelled, and your enrolment suspended. Unpaid fees will be referred to a debt collector.

Eligible students of Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications can opt to defer the payment of all or part of their fees by applying for a Commonwealth VET Student Loan.

Please note:
VET Student Loans will not be approved for students who do not meet eligibility requirements.

Under these loan schemes, the Australian Government pays your fees directly to Central Regional TAFE on your behalf. You then repay the loan through the tax system when your income exceeds the minimum repayment threshold.

VET Student Loans give rise to a debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply on our VET Student Loans page.

If your employer or another third party agency (such as a job agency), has nominated to pay your fees, they are required to complete an Invoice Authorisation Form or provide a Purchase Order to

Central Regional TAFE will invoice the employer or third-party agency directly for the fees; however, it is important to understand that students still accept full responsibility for the payment of all fees and charges relating to their enrolment at Central Regional TAFE.

Please note: 
To take up this payment option, you must provide a completed Invoice Authorisation form. If the third party is only paying some of your fees, you must arrange payment of the balance when submitting the third party purchase order or invoice authorisation, and you will not be enrolled until you do so.

Every year we offer a number of scholarships to our students which can help make training more affordable by covering some course fees and other course expenses.

To see if you are eligible, find more information about the scholarships we offer at our scholarships page.

If you have a debt from the previous semester, you will not be able to enrol until the debt has been paid or a payment arrangement has been put in place.

Please contact Student Services to discuss your debt from a previous semester.
T: 1800 672 700

Contact Details

For more information about course fees and payment information get in touch today.

1800 672 700