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Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Why invest in an Apprentice or Trainee?

Employing an Apprentice or Trainee might just be the smartest move you make as an employer. Benefits include: 

  • Having control over the specific training and qualifications your Apprentice receives which can help fill specific needs in your business.
  • Ensuring your workforce has nationally recognised qualifications.
  • Getting the opportunity after the apprenticeship to employ someone who is already familiar with the work ethos and environment of your company.
  • Increased business growth due to having highly skilled staff. 

At Central Regional TAFE, we offer scheduled training for many TAFE Apprenticeships and Traineeships, including pre-apprenticeship training and school-based traineeships.


Pre-Apprenticeship Training

Sometimes called a 'stepping stone' to an apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship training is a great option for students that haven’t got an apprenticeship or traineeship but are aiming for that in the future.

Pre-apprenticeship training does not necessarily require the student to have an employer, however it may involve some work experience or industry placement as part of the course.

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are full-time employment-based training programs that usually last 3-4 years. They combine on-the-job learning and scheduled training with a registered training provider such as Central Regional TAFE.

Upon completion of an apprenticeship, a person receives a certificate qualification and is considered to be qualified in their trade. This usually means they can work on their own and supervise staff.

  • Employment and training for the duration of the apprenticeship;
  • Every opportunity to learn the skills of the trade;
  • Necessary time off work, with pay, to attend and complete the relevant off-the-job training;
  • A working environment and conditions which contribute to the learning of the trade; and
  • The Apprentice’s Training Journal as required for on-the-job assessment. You must ensure that the apprentice brings the Training Journal when attending Central Regional TAFE.

What is a traineeship?

Traineeships are full-time employment-based training programs that usually last 12 months or more. While they are similar to apprenticeships, traineeships tend to focus on vocational or job areas such as office administration, information technology or hospitality.

Please note that in Western Australia, apprentices and trainees are understood as distinct from one another. However, in the Australian Apprenticeships system, all trainees and apprentices are referred to as Australian Apprentices.

Upon completion, a person receives a certificate qualification as evidence of their skills.

  • Employment, training and supervision for the duration of their traineeship;
  • The opportunities they need to learn the skills of the qualification;
  • Paid time off work necessary for the trainee to attend and complete off-the-job training if required;
  • A working environment and conditions that contribute to the trainee’s learning; and
  • A training plan that you develop with us and that is reviewed regularly.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships give full-time secondary students the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career in the workforce. Students who undergo school-based apprenticeships or traineeships will work towards secondary graduation and an industry-recognised qualification at the same time. 

A rewarding experience

Having an apprentice or trainee can be a rewarding experience for employer and employee alike.

The long-term benefits that apprentices and trainees contribute to businesses include:

  • Ensuring the employment of staff who are familiar with the work ethos of your company and the working environment, and ensuring a customer-focus is maintained
  • Increased business growth and profits because you have ensured your staff are highly skilled and abreast with industry developments
  • Ensuring your workforce has nationally recognised qualifications is particularly useful for business development in domestic and overseas markets.

Employed an apprentice or trainee?

If you have recruited an apprentice or trainee, Central Regional TAFE will work with you and your apprentice or trainee to develop a training plan, deliver training, assess their skills and issue their qualification upon completion of the training.

You and your apprentice are required to sign a training contract. In order to do this you need to work with an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (or AASN).

*The term apprentice is an umbrella term referring to apprentices, trainees, interns or cadets and the term apprenticeship will refer to contract arrangements for an apprenticeship, traineeship, cadetship or internship, unless specified otherwise.

Useful information

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers are a valuable source for further information. They provide administration services and support to employers, apprentices and trainees, as well as assisting with the signing of training contracts. They also assess, approve and process the payment of Australian Government incentives to eligible employers, and personal benefits to eligible apprentices and trainees, specifically to assist in the early years of an apprenticeship of traineeship when wages are at their lowest.

To contact an AASN visit or phone the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DWTD) Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54.

As a part of the training contract, you will need to choose a training organisation. Central Regional TAFE offers a broad range of Apprenticeship and Traineeship qualifications (use the filters to refine your search).

Once you have signed the contract and have chosen us as your training provider - we are notified by the AASN and will contact you to develop a Training Plan for your apprentice or Trainee.

All apprentices and trainees will enrol on an annual basis. Enrolment will occur following the completion of the Training Plan and thereafter at the beginning of Semester 1 or the fortnight preceding their first block of training for the year, each year until TAFE training has been completed.

Fees will be invoiced within two weeks of enrolment. Apprentices and trainees who pay their own fees can opt to pay by instalments over the course of the year.

Financial incentives can be provided by the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments to help businesses with the cost of taking on a new employee, apprentice or trainee.

Multiple incentives may apply, more information is available on the Jobs and Skills Centre Webpage.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office registers and administers training contracts and regulates the apprenticeship system in Western Australia, in accordance with Part 7 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (the Act) and the associated Regulations(opens in a new tab) .

Once you have signed up your Apprentice with an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider, they will register the training contract with the Department of Training and Workforce Development Apprenticeship Office. The Apprenticeship office will then notify the training provider of the new Training Contract Commencement.  Until Central Regional TAFE receives this commencement, we are unable to process any documentation relating to the training.

The Roles and Responsibilities of each party to the training contract is outlined in a fact sheet published by the Apprenticeship Office(opens in a new tab) .

Once Central Regional TAFE is advised of the commencement, we will contact you via email to commence the process for completion of Training Plans and other documentation that is required.


Apprentices studying in Electrical trades will be required to hold a training licence prior to attending training. Please see the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Website for more details and to apply.


Apprentices will require a licence prior to attending gas units - this licence can only be obtained after completion of pre-requisite units. Please see the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Website for more details and to apply.

Class G apprentices or trainees application form | Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (

If Central Regional TAFE hasn’t had a previous training contract with your company, we are required to undertake an assessment to determine capacity to train. This assesses whether the employment arrangements, including facilities, range of work and supervision, support an apprenticeship or traineeship outcome.

The employer must provide or arrange to provide the facilities, range of work and supervision supporting the apprentice or trainee to develop on-the-job knowledge and competence related to the occupational outcome aligned to the apprenticeship.

If the employer cannot provide the range of work there are several options available which may allow the training contract to continue:

  • Amendment of the training contract to a qualification more suited to the workplace the apprentice or trainee is employed in.
  • If the qualification selected is appropriate to the workplace but the workplace does not provide a full range of work required, the employer can work with the RTO and identify alternative arrangements such as:
    • A transfer to another workplace which provides the required workplace tasks
    • If suitable the RTO may conduct training and undertake a simulated assessment
    • Use a group training organisation.

The training plan is used to monitor progress and record achieved competencies during the course of a training contract and must be negotiated and agreed to by the employer, the apprentice, and the registered training organisation.  The Training Plan must comply with regulations and must:

  • State the approved VET courses that the apprentice will be required to attend in order to achieve the competencies required for the prescribed VET qualification to which the contract relates; and
  • State the training and assessment, both off-the-job and on-the-job, that will be provided to the apprentice; and
  • State when, where and how that training and assessment will be provided to the apprentice; and
  • State who will provide that training and assessment to the apprentice.

If the employer or the apprentice under a training contract, or the nominated training provider for the contract, does not sign a complying training plan within —

  • Six (6) weeks after the date on which the contract is signed by the parties; or the probation period for the contract,
  • Whichever is the longer, the employer, apprentice or provider, as the case may be, commits an offence.

The Apprenticeship office may impose penalties to any party that commits an offence under the Act.

Training Plans can be negotiated in person or electronically.  Generally, new employers will have a site visit to negotiate the Training Plan.  If you have received your training plan electronically but would like a site visit, you can request that someone attend your business to discuss the Training Plan.

Employers are not obliged to pay for apprentice fees and charges in advance. However, some Industrial Agreements (Awards) require employers to reimburse their apprentice upon receipt of satisfactory progress. 

It is at the employer’s discretion whether they elect to pay apprentices fees up front, or reimburse the apprentice, if required in their relevant Industrial Agreement. Please refer to your Industrial Agreement (Award) which can be found at either:

State based awards

Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission


T   Wageline 1300 655 266



Federal (Modern) awards

Fair Work Australia


T   13 13 94

All apprentices and trainees will enrol on an annual basis. Enrolment will occur following the completion of the Training Plan and thereafter at the beginning of Semester 1 or the fortnight preceding their first block of training for the year, each year until TAFE training has been completed.

As an employer you can elect to pay the fees of your apprentice or trainee by completing the Invoice Authorisation Form. Employers that have provided an Invoice Authority will be billed for all apprentice fees and charges for the period indicated on the Invoice Authorisation or until the Authority is rescinded in writing.  The employer will be billed for any fees incurred during the period that the authority was current.

It is important to note that the student always remains legally liable for the debt and should an employer fail to make payment, these fees will become the debt of the student.  

Fees will be invoiced within two weeks of enrolment. Apprentices and trainees who pay their own fees can opt to pay by instalment over the enrolment period.

An existing worker is defined as a person employed with the same employer continuously for more than three months full time or 12 months casual or part time or a combination of both, immediately prior to the commencement date of the training contract. Eligible existing workers may be subsidised to undertake traineeships at Certificate IV and above level courses that are aligned to state priority occupations.

Existing Worker Trainees indentured into courses not on the subsidised list may incur higher fees.

For more information about Existing Worker Traineeships, visit Jobs and Skills WA.

Students can access their results at any time via the Student Portal. You can have your apprentice show you their results from the Student Portal or request a Statement of Academic Record.

Employers requiring result updates more frequently can ask that their apprentice provide these out of the Student Portal or email and request a Study Plan Progress Report.

Competency Based Wage Progression (CBWP) identifies the minimum training requirements (level of competency) for an apprentice to enter/progress to each stage and pay level of an apprenticeship.

Generally, four stages are identified in the modern award, and wage progression occurs when:

• the required percentage of competencies (or competency points) for the qualification has been attained; or 
• after 12 months employment in a stage (whichever occurs first).

The definition of ‘competency’ for the purpose of the training package and for CBWP is: “The consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.”

When providing information to employers in regard to a year level, Central Regional TAFE will provide advice as what year of training the apprentice is in.   In determining year level for purposes of wages, the training year level should be used as a guide in conjunction with other determining factors such as time served on the job and previous experience.  Please refer to Fair Work Australia for information on pay entitlements for Apprentices.

Under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996, the Minister must classify each prescribed vocational education and training qualification into one of the three categories — Class A, Class B and Class C.

  • Class A: These qualifications can only be obtained by fulfilling the obligations of an apprentice under a training contract.
  • Class B: These qualifications may, but need not, be obtained by fulfilling the obligations of an apprentice un​​der a training contract.
  • Class C: Class C qualifications cannot be delivered under a training contract. All qualifications not classified as A or B are automatically classified as Class C.

When nominating a Class A or B qualification, a training contract must comply with any requirements imposed for that qualification, including but are not limited to, any pre-conditions, the period and terms of contracts under that qualification.

The latest Classification of Prescribed Vocational Education and Training Qualifications (Register of Class A and B qualifications) will be available from the Department of Training and Workforce Development(opens in a new tab) website each month. The Changes to the register of Class A and B qualifications (exception report) will also be available for each qualifications list, to detail the changes made each month.

Employee resources

There are a number of forms and other resources that employers and apprentices will need throughout their training and most of these can be accessed and completed electronically.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development assists apprentices with travel and accommodation related to the completion of their off-the-job training component via a Travel and Accommodation allowance.

Financial assistance is available to support off the job training being delivered to apprentices who are, or would normally be, required to travel long distances to attend off the job training.

To claim assistance the minimum round-trip distance an apprentice must travel from their residential address to the closest training venue of all training providers able to deliver the off the job training is:

  • 71 kilometres or more for travel allowance;
  • 150 kilometres or more for accommodation allowance; and
  • 1100 kilometres or more for airfare travel.  (Air travel must be booked by the RTO to be eligible)

Please note Distances are measured by Google Maps.

Procedures for the Travel Accommodation Allowance(opens in a new tab) (TAA) for Apprenticeships are attached and available via the Apprenticeship Office webpage.

Employers or apprentices wishing to claim for the Travel and/or Accommodation Allowance will need lodge their claim via the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS).

If you have not yet registered for WAAMS, you will need to request an account and the Apprenticeship Office will send you an email with login instructions.

All claims must be submitted within 60 days of the completion of the apprentice’s training or attendance period for the claim to be eligible.

The Department has developed a user guide(opens in a new tab)  if you need help lodging your claim.

In some areas evidence tracking is used to gather evidence of skills practised in an on-the-job environment.  Some delivery areas opt to use this evidence tracking and some are required by training package assessment conditions.


At Central Regional TAFE the tool used to track this evidence is Ready Skills. Ready Skills  is an electronic profiling tool used to enable RTOs to monitor an apprentice's “on the job” training for specific units highlighted. 

Each student that requires access will be provided with login details and instructions on how to use the system.

There is an app that can be downloaded for use with Apple or Android devices, or the system can be access from an internet browser.

The Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (“the VET Act”) legislates that employers must release their Apprentices for scheduled training. Failure to do so without approval requires us to inform the Apprenticeship Office, which may result in penalties being applied under the VET Act.

Apprentices will attend the blocks outlined in the call up letter sent out to both the apprentice and employer in December the previous year (or upon completion of the sign up process for new commencements).

For all purposes (including the payment of remuneration) time spent at training within the obligations of the training contract is classified as time spent working for the employer 

Once your apprentice commences block release training, it is essential they complete the training program. Requesting them back to work disadvantages the apprentice, delays their training program, incurs additional costs, and takes a training place that could be allocated to another apprentice.

Attendance at all scheduled block sessions is critical - if critical OSH introductions are missed, students may not be able to continue with their block.

Missed assessments may result in students having to repeat blocks or units.

Central Regional TAFE appreciates the importance of you managing a successful business and understands there may be rare occasions where your apprentice cannot attend their scheduled training. In these instances, you will need to seek approval in advance.


In accordance with statutory requirements, Central Regional TAFE is required to:

  • Notify an employer when an apprentice fails to attend scheduled training or confirm with an employer any absence of an apprentice due to:
    • Early completion of work
    • Employer advised illness or other leave from the workplace.

Where an employer has provided an email address, this notification will be sent electronically within a week of the absence.

If lecturers are concerned about your apprentice’s aptitude/attitude at training, we endeavour to let you know as soon as concerns arise.

Apprentices that need to travel more than 70km round trip to training will be eligible for Travel Allowance - please see the Travel Allowance information above.

If you have any queries in relation to Apprentice attendance, please ask to speak to your Apprentice’s Head of Program.

Employer details are downloaded to our Student Management System directly from the Apprenticeship Office(opens in a new tab) , and we cannot update an employer’s details. If your employer details need to be updated you will need to do so via the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)(opens in a new tab) online client portal.

If you don’t already have a logon for this system, select the “Request an Account” tab and work through to create an account.  Once you have access you can make changes to all of your apprentice's and business details, extend contracts and manage your apprentice business directly with the Apprenticeship Office.

If you have any questions please contact DTWD Apprenticeship Office.

T 13 19 54

A training contract is successfully completed when there is agreement between the employer, registered training organisation (RTO) and apprentice that the apprentice has attained all the required competencies for the qualification. The RTO is responsible for reporting a successful completion date between the RTO and parties (employer and apprentice) to the training contract.

Early completion

Once your apprentice has completed 100% of the Training Plan we will contact you to advise that off the job study is completed. You have the option at this time of signing your apprentice off as complete which will bring forward the completion date. Should you feel that your apprentice still requires time to develop their skills on the job, you can opt to continue until the scheduled completion date.

Contact the Apprentice and Traineeship Management Team (ATMT) on to request an early completion for your apprentice or trainee.


Approximately six weeks prior to the completion date of the apprenticeship, the ATMT will confirm that all TAFE requirements have been met, and then issue a Training Contract Completion Agreement (TCCA) via email to the employer. This is to be signed by the employer and apprentice and returned to the ATMT.

Completion forms cannot be backdated so it is important to ensure that this documentation is signed in a timely manner.


Training contract extension

A training contract may be extended if both the apprentice or trainee and the employer agree that the training required will not be completed within the nominal term. You can process an extension to the Training Contract via the WAAMS portal.(opens in a new tab)  It is important that any application to extend is made prior the end date.

Should this date pass the contract will expire and should your business wish to continue the training contract you will need to re-indenture this student on a new contract. Once the extension has been processed, you may wish to make contact with ATMT to ensure that your company and the trainee are aware of what work and on the job training is still required for successful completion.

Please note:

On the completion date if all parties have signed the TCCA, the ATMT will lodge the completion with the Apprenticeship Office. Once this is processed by the Apprenticeship Office your Trade Certificate will be issued. 

If you have not received your Trade Certification within five working days of your completion date please contact the Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54.

The completion notification will be forwarded to the ATMT for processing and issuing of your TAFE Certificate.  Please note that the TAFE Certificate cannot be issued before the Training Contact Completion advice is received.

Students and employers will receive a confirmation email on the date of completion. Students in licensed trades will also receive the documentation required to take to the relevant licensing board.

Please direct your queries to the appropriate team to ensure a correct response.

Type of enquiry and contact

Trade Papers/Trade Certification (please ensure that your completion date has passed by at least 5 working days prior to follow up)

Apprenticeship Office 

T 13 19 54



Central Regional TAFE follow up | Apprentice and Traineeship Management Team


A training contract entered into between an apprentice and an employer may be transferred (assigned) from one employer to another, provided that the current employer, the prospective employer and the apprentice agree.

fact sheet and Notice to Transfer  (opens in a new tab) form have been published by the Apprenticeship Office.

If a training contract is terminated or cancelled, the record of the training contract is administratively closed on the Apprenticeship Office’s system.

This fact sheet(opens in a new tab) explains the options available to an out of contract apprentice.

The duty of care for a person conducting a business or undertaking, is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers and other persons.

Failure to comply with a health and safety duty could lead to regulatory action being taken, including prosecution which may include substantial monetary penalties.

In some Industry areas the supervision requirements are outlined in the relevant employment award.
Where not stipulated the appropriate level of supervision for the employment and on the job training of an apprentice/trainee shall be determined by the employer based on the following factors:

  • any accepted industry supervision standards.
  • the level of competence and experience of the apprentice in a particular task/skill; and
  • the risk associated with the worksite and the type of work in which the apprentice is engaged.
  • the level of supervision must be reviewed and, if necessary, revised at regular intervals.

The supervisor should be a suitably qualified and licensed (where required in licensed trades) person, who is permanently employed at the same workplace and predominantly for the same hours as the Australian Apprentice.
For Trainees, a suitably qualified supervisor can be the employer or another staff member who already has the skills and knowledge that the trainee is learning, which may have been gained through a variety of pathways, including on-the-job experience.

Direct vs General Supervision

Direct supervision means under the personal supervision of the supervisor, and within visual contact and/or earshot on a constant basis. Direct supervision cannot be provided by electronic means – this would generally be applicable to a First- or Second-year apprentice.

General supervision is being under instruction and direction for tasks being performed. The Apprentice is to be provided with instruction and direction for the tasks to be performed, with progressive checks while the work is being undertaken. This means the Apprentice does not require constant attendance of the supervisor but requires personal contact on a recurrent (periodic) basis.

The supervisor must remain on the same work site as the Australian Apprentice and be readily available to communicate directly with the Australian Apprentice when required (this does not mean by phone).

It may be appropriate for Apprentices in the third and fourth year/stage of an apprenticeship to be under a general level of supervision as determined by the employer or stipulated in Awards.  General supervision is appropriate only for those skills where the Apprentice has demonstrated competence.

If an apprentice has prior learning and/or experience, this may be recognised.

This fact sheet(opens in a new tab) explains how RPL and credit transfer works, and how to go about seeking it. This should be discussed with the RTO at the time of developing the Training Plan.


Once the completion paperwork is signed by all parties and lodged with the Apprenticeship Office, the Apprentice will receive their Certification.

A trade certificate is issued by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development when an individual has successfully completed a Class A or B qualification, either through an apprenticeship training contract or through the recognition of skills process conducted by a registered training provider.

Central Regional TAFE will issue a Qualification Certificate for the related qualification. Apprentices should ensure that their address details are up to date to ensure that qualifications are sent to the correct address.

Students can also access their results and progress via the student portal(opens in a new tab) .

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are required to apply a capstone assessment to each apprentice electrician during the late part of their training for the purpose of confirming they have attained the ‘critical items’ of the Essential Capabilities List.

Apprentices indentured into the following qualifications:

  • UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician


will be required to complete a Capstone Assessment following the successful completion of their On-the-Job training and within three (3) months of the end of your contract.

This is to confirm that you satisfy specific training outcome requirements. In Western Australia, upon receipt of the endorsed qualification, the Electrical Licensing Board will issue an electrician licence to the apprentice without further examination.

The Capstone Assessment covers 31 of the 55 essential performance capabilities and includes a practical demonstration of skills as well as an assessment of underpinning knowledge.

Geraldton Capstone Information


Capstone Schedule

  • Candidates are required to be available for the entire week (40 hrs).


  • Revision & Capstone Groups are arranged based only on the apprentice Expected Completion Date. Capstone eligibility is dependent on Exemplar Capstone Readiness Report and Training Plan Progression.


  • The Geraldton Electrical Department will contact you to confirm Capstone Eligibility prior to the scheduled Assessment dates.


T: 9956 2768



Fortnightly Tutorials

Tutorials are primarily to support students on Hold. Alternative arrangements may be made for accelerated learning and extra work in preparation prior to upcoming blocks but only with prior agreement of the lecturers.


Apprentices are to contact their respective lecturer to indicate their intention of attending Tuesday Night Tutorials prior to the Tutorial date.

Tutorials are held at our Geraldton campus on Tuesday night during term dates between 4:00pm and 7:00pm.

Students are permitted to re-sit components of the test should the first attempt not be successful.


Kalgoorlie Capstone Information


Apprentice must have completed all off-the-job training, their Exemplar profiling record must be complete to demonstrate eligibility to sit the Capstone Assessment.


Candidates are required to be available as follows:



Revision is conducted approximately 4 weeks prior to the Capstone assessment.

  • Monday to Tuesday: Mandatory attendance
  • Wednesday: Self-study day with recommended reading from lecturer
  • Thursday to Friday: Optional practical revision in Workshop (recommended)

Capstone Assessment

  • Apprentices will need to be available for three days.
  • Capstone Assessment is a mix of theory and practical assessments.


Class Time

  • Class: 8.00am – 4.00pm

Students are permitted to re-sit components of the test should the first attempt not be successful.

Standard dress and PPE requirements apply to all workshop areas. Other areas such as salons, kitchens and other simulated work environments also have dress requirements. Please refer to your Call Up letter for specific trade requirements and more information.

Any student who attends training without appropriate PPE may have admission to workshops denied and be returned to work.

Students that are required to purchase equipment may be able to access Trade Support loans(opens in a new tab) via the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network(opens in a new tab) .

Contact Us

For more information about Apprenticeships and Traineeships in WA, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Contact Details
Call 1800 672 700