Please read all the latest information and updates on COVID-19.
Staying safe
Please continue to:
- use the ServiceWA app to check in on campus
- practice good hygiene, use hand sanitiser and follow the latest State Government advice on mask-wearing.
Please also note:
- Campuses are being cleaned on a regular basis, and hand sanitiser is available across campuses in key locations.
- We encourage you to keep up to date with the latest information and health advice by visiting the WA Government website (opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab) .
- We will update this page and our social media channels as further information become available.
- If you have questions or need COVID-19-related assistance please contact:
T: 1800 672 700
or on Facebook Messenger
Current updates
Please be aware that COVID-19 vaccination is an employment requirement for many healthcare providers.
CR TAFE students undertaking work placements or who are required to attend a healthcare or community setting as part of their studies are advised to check directly with the healthcare provider regarding their policy settings around vaccination and proof of vaccination requirements.
Students enrolled in courses that require them to undertake mandatory work placement with an employer in the following industry must be triple dose vaccinated prior to their work placement.
- Healthcare and health support workers in hospitals and primary health care settings
- Workers in residential aged care
- Workers in residential disability settings.
These students will be asked to provide evidence ahead of their work placement. The evidence will be collected and stored securely.
If students do not supply evidence, they will not be able to undertake the work placement component of the course, which may prevent them from completing the course.
Please note, this evidence may also need to be shown to an employer during work placement, if applicable.
Based on the latest health advice, effective 12:01am Friday 29 April, WA’s public health measures will ease back to baseline settings.
For TAFE students, lecturers and staff it means:
- Masks are no longer required at indoor venues including classrooms. Students and staff undertaking work placements in identified settings, including hospitals, aged care and disability care facilities, prisons and correctional facilities and airports, will need to continue to wear masks while at those facilities.
- While masks are no longer mandatory, masks are encouraged where physical distancing isn’t possible and you may still wear a mask if you wish.
- Students and staff using public transport or rideshares to get to campus must wear a mask while travelling.
- The proof of vaccination requirement has been removed for entry to all TAFE venues including our training restaurants and beauty therapy clinics.
- Vaccination requirements for employment and work placements remain.
- Travel to some remote Aboriginal communities will remain restricted to protect these more vulnerable communities.
WA has removed quarantine requirements for asymptomatic close contacts, students, lecturers, staff and visitors are reminded that for the seven days following their designation as a close contact, they are allowed to leave the house provided they have no symptoms and they:
- undertake daily Rapid Antigen Testing;
- wear a mask outside the home;
- avoid high-risk settings, including hospitals, health care settings, disability and aged care facilities and correctional facilities;
- work from home, where possible; and
- notify the college and their employer of their close contact status.
Campuses continue to be cleaned regularly, with particular attention to high contact surfaces. Hand sanitiser is available across campuses in key locations. As always, please practise good personal hygiene – wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
We encourage you to continue to follow WA Government advice(opens in a new tab) . If you require any assistance, please contact our Client Services team by telephone (1300 996 573).
Other updates
The current mask mandate for all public indoor settings will also be expanded state-wide.
For Central Regional TAFE this means that staff and students will need to wear masks while indoors on campus from 6am, Monday 21 February 2002.
It is recommended you wear a mask outdoors where physical distancing is not possible.
For more information the WA Health website.
On 23 December 2021, the Premier announced that WA workers who come under an existing COVID-19 vaccine mandate will now be required to have a third dose as part of the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policy(opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) .
The mandatory vaccination policy applies to workers in high risk-industries, those interacting with people at an increased risk of being infected with COVID-19, or people who are vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19, or other critical workers.
How will this affect my TAFE studies?
To participate in live works training areas and work placements in industries covered by the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policy, TAFE students are required to be double vaccinated. If eligible, students are also required to have a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, within a month of becoming eligible.
Students will be required to provide evidence to TAFE of their vaccination status before attending work placement or participating in live works training area. The evidence will be collected in class and stored securely.
To better protect your health, your family and your community, everyone is strongly urged to receive their third dose, when eligible, even if not covered by this policy.
If the course you have been enrolled into requires you to undertake a mandatory work placement with an employer or participate in a 'live works' training area of the college this advice applies to you. The industry associated with the work placement or the live works is required to have a COVID-19 vaccinated workforce.
TAFE students are required to be double vaccinated. If eligible, students are also required to have a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, within a month of becoming eligible.
Further information can be found on the website.(opens in a new tab)
To see a full list of courses which require students to be vaccinated, please see our Proof of Vaccination Course List(opens in a new tab) page.
Before you participate in live works or go on work placement, you will be required to provide evidence of your vaccination status to Central Regional TAFE.
Suitable forms of evidence can be seen in the image gallery at right, and can be downloaded or printed from MyGov(opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
- COVID-19 Certificate (opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab) - this is the preferred form of evidence, available from within your MyGov account
- Immunisation History Statement (opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab) - if you cannot access or create a MyGov account, you can ask for your statement to be mailed out to you. This option may take up to 14 days for your certificate to arrive by mail.
- International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) - also available within your MyGov account
Central Regional TAFE will be offering a takeaway service only from our campus canteens/cafes.
The State Government has announced that proof of vaccination requirements have expanded. Further information can be found here.
Please be advised that only fully vaccinated people can:
- Purchase food and drinks for consumption in campus canteens/cafes (proof of vaccination is not required for takeaways)
- Be seated to consume food and drinks in campus restaurants
- Participate in live works on a campus which come under the proof of vaccination requirements including restaurants, café’s, gyms and fitness studios.
Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
- The mandatory vaccination policy is to protect WA and safeguard essential services and businesses for the long-term. More information on the policy can be found here.
- Vaccination significantly reduces the risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19 and helps to reduce the rate of transmission.
- Based on health advice, TAFE colleges are included in Group 2 industries and occupations because they are deemed critical to the ongoing delivery of services to the community.
- The VET sector has significant interaction with Group 1 and Group 2 industries and occupations through the training of apprentices, trainees, schools and supervision of work placements.
- Any person who works on a TAFE campus must comply with the Public Health Act Direction. This includes TAFE employees, co-located services and contractors, and students doing ‘live works’ on campus in Group 1 or Group 2 occupations.
- TAFE employees must:
- have their first dose on or prior to 31 December 2021 because from 12:01 am on 1 January 2022, a TAFE employee must not enter or remain at an TAFE campus if the person has not been partially vaccinated against COVID-19;
- have their second dose on or prior to 30 January 2022 because from 12:01 am on 31 January 2022, a TAFE employee must not enter or remain at a TAFE campus if the person has not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19; or
- have a medical or temporary exemption, as defined under the Directions.
- Students attending campus to study are exempt from this mandate unless they are doing ‘live works’ in a Group 1 or Group 2 occupation.
- The Public Health Act Direction makes mandatory vaccination a condition of the workplace to ensure TAFE campuses are safe places for the public to attend.
- There is no impact on visitors and students attending in a non-working capacity.
- Visitors will not need to be vaccinated to attend a TAFE campus.
- If a person attends a TAFE campus very regularly (ie. more than once a week) to carry out their work, they will need to be vaccinated in accordance with the requirements for Group 2 – first dose prior to 1 January 2022 and double dose vaccinated prior to 31 January 2022.
- This may include Department of Training and Workforce Development staff and contractors such as cleaners, hospitality workers, and maintenance workers.
- If a person is required to be vaccinated under the Public Health Act Direction, they will be excluded from the workplace from 1 January 2022 if they haven’t had their first dose by that day.
- In addition, if a person is required to be vaccinated under the Public Health Act Direction, they will be excluded from the workplace from 31 January 2022 if they are not double dose vaccinated by that day.
- Yes, Jobs and Skills Centre staff working at TAFE campuses must comply with the Public Health Act Direction and be vaccinated in accordance with the timeframes for Group 2.
- The Public Health Act Directions provide for limited exemptions.
- Exemption on medical grounds must be obtained from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) using their IM011 form. This must be completed by your GP or specialist medical practitioners and submitted to the (AIR) for assessment. Where an exemption is provided by AIR, this must be provided to your employer as proof of exemption.
- A person may apply for temporary exemption from the Chief Health Officer. Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted to A temporary exemption will only last for a limited time and may be subject to terms and conditions.
FAQs for students
- Mandatory vaccination of TAFE employees will help keep campuses safe places to learn.
- Students are asked to continue using the SafeWA app to check-in on campus and practice good personal hygiene – wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- Campuses are being cleaned on a regular basis, with particular attention to high contact surfaces. Hand sanitiser is available across campuses in key locations.
If your course includes a live works training component, in an occupation that is affected by the mandatory vaccine policy, you will need to be vaccinated. Check the relevant course page for the specific requirements of your course.
If you are an apprentice or trainee working in a Group 1 or Group 2 industry, or your course or training program includes an industry work placement in Group 1 or Group 2 work sites, you will need to be vaccinated according to the Group 1 or Group 2 dates, or you may not be able to complete your course.
If you have any queries regarding your current enrolment, please contact your TAFE College to discuss.
More information
To support the efforts of keeping WA safe, we encourage you to download the State Government's free SERVICEWA app prior to visiting a campus. When you arrive at some of our facilities you will need to 'check in' via scanning a QR code before entering. If you don't have the app on your phone, you'll need to sign a printed registration form.
This process is a requirement across various businesses in WA (including all TAFEs) from the 5 December. The app is an efficient and safe way to record patron and visitor contact details, to assist the WA Health Department with COVID-19 contact tracing. If needed, this will help them to quickly identify and assist anyone that may have been exposed to COVID-19.
Areas where you will need to scan the QR Code include:
- Cafes
- Training Restaurants
- Library areas
- Hair and Beauty Training Salons
- Campus events
Each QR Code is unique to assist in identifying specific locations. Students and visitors will need to register/scan themselves in each day that they enter one of the above areas. Students do not have to register/scan if they are timetabled to attend the particular work area and are on the class attendance roll. Likewise, staff will not have to scan/register in the above locations if they are scheduled to be working in those areas. If however, staff or students visit one of the other areas where they do not normally work or study, they will need to register/scan each day they visit that location.
Student Support Services
All campuses are open and continue to provide access to a range of support services including:
- Disability services
- Aboriginal support
- International support
- Client service front counter assistance
- Student services support
- Jobs and Skills Centre
- Me-N-U Cafe's - limited seating capacity due to Government requirements
- Library and student resource areas - (Please see additional information in the FAQs below)
We're committed to minimising risks on campus and have the below measures in place:
- 1.5 metre markers at all client services and public service points to adhere to social distancing requirements
- Additional cleaning of facilities especially in shared spaces and areas such as computer labs, counter tops, and bathroom facilities.
- Safe food handling and additional cleaning at our MeNu cafes at the Kalgoorlie, Geraldton and Northam campuses.
Other things to remember:
- If your attending classes on-campus, please remember the following:
- Only attend for the necessary errand/class and leave directly afterwards.
- Use the sanitising stations provided, wash hands regularly and maintain good hygiene.
- Maintain social distancing recommendations of at least 1.5m apart from other students or staff.
- If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.
- Use card over cash where possible.
Useful links
- The WA COVID-19 website
- WA Government SERVICEWA App information.
- The Australian Government Department of Health website has up-to-date healthcare and medical information.
- The Health Direct website has frequently asked questions, and a symptom checker.
- For details regarding travel restrictions and international travel, visit the Home Affairs website. There is also information available on the Smart Traveller website.
- For a list of COVID testing clinics — visit the HealthyWA website for details.
- For free advice and assistance, call the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.
Further updates and FAQs will be provided on this page as they become available. Please ensure you monitor this page regularly for the latest information.